
CSR & ESG Made Easy with Breathe ESG

People surrounded by solar and wind farms
Breathe ESG logo

As consumers and investors get increasingly conscious about sustainable business practices, ESG and CSR have become critical for businesses. These initiatives and practices can be greatly beneficial to a company and its investors, employees and customers. With the constantly evolving sustainability landscape, sustainability management is a strenuous task. Sustainability management relies on labor and manual processes, thus it is expensive. Breathe ESG offers solutions that are more cost-effective, verifiable and efficient. 

Using Breathe ESG’s flagship platform, organizations can put their ESG and CSR on autopilot!

By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, Breathe ESG eliminates the pain points of traditional CSR & ESG. The platform automates the process using a direct business-to-execution partner model, and the blockchain ensures your organization’s fund utilization is traceable.  

Why are CSR & ESG Important?

Consumers and investors are more concerned than ever about a business’ ethics — their environmental impact, social impact and internal practices surrounding working conditions, diversity etc. Consumer opinion and demand favour businesses that are transparent and sustainable. In this climate, ESG compliance builds public trust and improves an organisation’s internal practices – attracting both customers and investors.

A diagram showing the eight pillars of CSR
A diagram showing the three pillars of ESG

ESG reports are commonly checked during valuation and are also mandatory for listing on some stock exchanges. On a regulatory level ESG compliance is becoming increasingly unavoidable too. From 2022 ESG reporting in the BRSR format will be mandatory for the top 1000 listed businesses in India, as per SEBI. ESG and CSR are measurable indicators of a business’ understanding of its inefficiencies and its long-term commitment to its goals and values. 

The Problems of CSR & ESG

ESG and CSR management can be as complicated and expensive as they are important. The landscape of ESG and social impact is constantly evolving, making it difficult for organisations without dedicated sustainability teams to adapt to these changes. There is constant pressure from several stakeholders (customers, investors , government) to improve transparency, internal practices and be more sustainable. Hence organisations starting their sustainability journey are forced to pay big bucks to get advisory services to meet stakeholder expectations. The multiple reporting frameworks for ESG make it confusing to determine for consumers to pick what’s best for their organisational needs.

Three pictures of a man frustrated with paperwork

CSR management is still dependent heavily on manual processes for tracking and analytical purposes. Monthly data from the field can take upto 2 months to reach the CSR teams and committees. Delayed performance and demographic data translates to delayed decision making for crucial social impact initiatives. Additionally finding a verified NGO partner for your project needs and vision can be a strenuous task. The introduction of CSR2 reporting in India has increased the importance of tracking social impact initiatives.

The Web3.0 Solution — Breathe ESG

Breathe ESG is a blockchain-based SuperApp for sustainability. It is a one-stop interface for all sustainability needs.

Joining Breathe ESG as a business is simple and quick, with minimal paperwork. After onboarding, you are led to the app dashboard where you can start your ESG and CSR processes.


Breathe ESG’s flagship platform solutions allows organisations to pick their material topics and disclosures from major reporting frameworks, they can mix and match to suit their organisational needs or choose a specific reporting format. They can then collaborate with all stakeholders to fill out all disclosures. Post this firms can view analytics of their ESG materials and also automate their ESG reporting. We also allow them to view materials covered across disclosures to make their decision making process simpler.


The CSR solution provides end-to-end management solutions from allowing clients to connect with the right partner and setting project scopes to tracking and analysing data against demographic, performance and financial metrics. Clients can also semi-automate their CSR 2 report and automate monthly/quarterly/ annual reports with customisable templates.

An example of the Breathe ESG interface

By leveraging technology, Breathe ensures your ESG and CSR projects are as efficient, self-sustaining, and low cost as possible.

Where is Breathe ESG?

Currently, Breathe ESG is in its pilot phase with only select commercial clients and NGOs on the interface. To enquire about using our service in the future, contact us here.

An easel showing Breathe ESG - 'Streamlining Sustainability'

Put your ESG and CSR on autopilot with Breathe ESG.

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