
Femina Miss India


A Virtual World of Beauty

The Miss India Metaverse is a completely immersive virtual world focused on beauty, fashion, and the iconic cultural phenomenon of Miss India.

Explore the World of Miss India

The exploration venue allows users a view into Miss India, its history and present like never before. Here, one has 24/7 access to exclusive content on beauty, fashion, and wellness. Whether you want immersive fashion consultations or a chance to ‘Meet the Contestants’ in-world, the Miss India Metaverse can bring it right to you.

Interactive and Immersive

Our arcade venue allows users to play games that bring them closer to the world of Miss India. Users can compete in quizzes on contestants, their bios, fashion, beauty etc. They can learn more about the competition while becoming part of it themselves.

Play for Perks

Instead of restricting access to only VIPs, the Miss India Metaverse opens the door for any superfan to be invited into the exclusive Miss India Lounge. Through getting points from games in the arcade venue, fans can win tickets to live events and admissions to exclusive meet & greets with contestants and former winners. Users can also enjoy and learn from live consultations with industry experts on everything from personal style to makeup, and etiquette.