
The World’s First Metaverse Live Performance Venue


Live From the Metaverse

Aurionsphere is the first virtual venue in the world that can host high-fidelity live performances. You can see your favourite artist perform in space, on one of Jupiter’s moons, in a venue not limited by the laws of physics. These are concerts like no one has imagined before.

Democratising Concerts

Catching a live act is very limited by geography and physical ability because of the limitation to in-person concerts. Now, you can get the whole experience — the music, the artist’s presence, the crowd, the atmosphere — without leaving your home. Compatible hardware (VR, surround sound systems, spatial audio mics) ensure that you don’t miss a thing.

Limited Limitless Unreal Concerts

With none of the limitations of a real-life concert (safety regulations, local regulations, the laws that govern space-time) one can create truly unimaginable artistic experiences. Space becomes a blank canvas, to create a world a fan can truly immerse themselves in.